Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What People Don't Like to Hear About Themselves

I'd like to share two lists with you - one applies to men, the other to women. These are things that men and women do not enjoy hearing about themselves. Avoid making statements along these lines at all cost!

No man likes to hear the following about himself:

1. That his language is poor
2. That he is getting older
3. That he lacks nerve/backbone
4. That he isn't good with women
5. That he doesn't manage his money well
6. That he appears like a wimp
7. That his memory is poor
8. That he isn't intelligent
9. That he is short
10. That he can't take a joke

What no woman likes to hear about herself:

1. Any physical imperfections
2. That she looks good "for her age"
3. That her hair is turning gray
4. That she looks "just like" another woman you know
5. Never ask if she has been married before
6. That she is gaining weight
7. Never act like you take it for granted that she has a job - if she says she works, tell her how you're amazed she can look so good and work at the same time
8. Never mention her age - period
9. Never ask if she has children. Make her think you believe she looks like a young woman that has led an easy life.
10. Never ask how big her feet are.
When dealing with either sex, always avoid "comparison praise". Everyone wants to be unique, so comparing them to someone else is a losing move. Even if you compare them to a celebrity they still may take offense. Remember: all comparisons between people are risking at best!

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